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You Shop. Amazon Gives.

Now there's a new way to support GPJAC's work at no cost to you. Amazon Smile is a  program that remits a small percentage of purchases made using to charities like us.

It is a simple and cost-free way to support the arts  every time you make an online purchase.

Here’s how it works:

•    First, CLICK HERE to select Greater Port Jefferson Arts Council Inc

Location: Port Jefferson, NY

and select GPJAC as your designated Amazon Smile beneficiary.

•    Then just login in with your current Amazon username and password, and start shopping!

•    The next time you feel like shopping just be sure to use and proceed as usual. The prices for products, shipping, etc. are exactly the same; it is just a different starting page. If you start at the normal Amazon homepage, GPJAC will not benefit.

•    Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to GPJAC

•    Amazon Smile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. Just a different URL!

Shopping with AmazonSmile will not replace your donations to BAC, but it is a perfect way to support the arts every time you make a purchase. What are you waiting for? Start shopping for a cause today!

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