Port Jefferson Documentary Series Spring and Fall: $1,500 each semester. $2,500 for both semesters.
WinterTide and Sunset Concert Series: $1,000 Each. $1,600 for both.

Banner Ad on the GPJAC Website
Name and logo on every printed program, flyer and poster
Name and Logo displayed at beginning of each video presentation
(when available)
Name and Logo (where possible for logo) on all emails announcing
programs (some email accounts are not ours)
Name and Logo (where possible for logo) on all Facebook and Instagram announcements for programs (some Facebook and
Instagram communications are not ours)
Name and Logo on all regular communications to our audience base.
Audience Totals and Outreach:
Port Jefferson Documentary Series:
The Port Jefferson Documentary Series takes place in Spring and Fall semesters featuring seven documentary films each season. Attendance has grown to average 250 to 300 people per film. We screen films at Theatre Three and have made arrangements to screen at the JFK Middle School in Port Jefferson Station. Many of the films have gone on to win Academy Awards and the featured speaker at each film is usually the director (The Academy Award winning director, Abigale Disney, came to speak for example).
Each film is promoted via Email to 1003 (and growing) individuals, with 1,011 followers on Facebook, 753 on Twitter and 359 on Instagram. We can use our Sponsored By line on all out-reach. We send out approximately three emails per film. This series has won the Best Film Festival category of the Best of Long Island annual awards SIX TIMES in a row.
Sunset Concert Series:
Sunset Concert Series is held every Wednesday in Harborfront Park in Port Jefferson (in the Village Center for rain) for July and August. These concerts average 300 attendees each with some drawing 500. The audience is primarily from Three Village area and Port Jefferson (65%), with audience traveling from Nassau and Suffolk Counties to see each unique show. No other series on Long Island has its primary focus on original music.
We make outreach for each concert to 500 people via Email, 1574 followers on Instagram and Facebook with 300.
WinterTide generally gets 60 to 80 attendees. It is a new series and is also unique in that it featured performances in multiple areas of the arts at each event. This series runs from mid-January through March or April on Friday nights in the Port Jefferson Village Center Sail Loft room. Audience is smaller because of a smaller space (not outdoors) but the outreach is the same as above. We film each presentation and post on line.
Port Jefferson Village Facebook:
We can post our events on the Village Facebook page – 16,000 followers
We can post our events with WUSB and we have permission to include our sponsors on their quarterly email blasts that go out to 30,000 people.
In closing, all outreach as outlined above goes out for each performance. While we are dealing with Covid restrictions, we will put out upcoming performance and communications every two weeks on all outreach platforms we control. Each communication with feature our Produced by line, so the cumulative outreach will hit many thousands of people several times over the course of a year, with the majority living in our immediate area.