The work of Chef Jose Andres of the World Central Kitchen. Directed by Academy Award-winner Ron Howard,

Time & Location
May 09, 2022, 7:00 PM
Port Jefferson Station, 200 Jayne Blvd, Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776, USA
About The Event
PLEASE HELP UKRAINE NOW!! We all want to support Ukraine. Here is a way to do that.
The Port Jefferson Documentary Series is planning a simple, straightforward fundraiser that will get financial help quickly to the Ukrainian people. Through the generosity of National Geographic, we have the opportunity to screen, at no cost, a brand-new documentary, WE FEED PEOPLE, about the work of Chef Jose Andres of the World Central Kitchen. Directed by Academy Award-winner Ron Howard, the film unveils the personal story behind the first 12 years of this amazing, heart-felt organization, before there was a war in Ukraine.
The JFK Middle School in Port Jeff Station is lending us their auditorium at no charge. And the volunteers from the Port Jefferson Documentary Series and the Greater Port Jefferson Arts Council will be your hosts for the evening. On May 9, 2022, as the auditorium fills, the audience will know that every full seat in the house represents $10 going directly and immediately from their ticket purchase to the World Central Kitchen’s work in Ukraine.
We are also offering sponsorship possibilities to local businesses and organizations for $100. At the very least, this sponsorship will include a shouted-out thank you from the speaker at the start of the film. In addition, the logos provided by sponsors will be up on the big screen as the audience is seated. We also hope to get sponsor information onto our printed materials if time allows.